


Letters to the Editor: Another Letter to the Editor
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Letters to the Editor: Another Letter to the Editor
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February 25th, 2009

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Letters to the Editor: Letter: Please Help Keep Our Parks Open
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Letter: Recipe for Tax Disaster

Letter: Recipe for Tax Disaster

Letters to the Editor


This letter has been written in response to the new proposed legislation which is about to deny 30 of the 67 Florida Counties the benefit of the latest round of possible Tax Reform Legislation. You read about it in the Gainesville Sun, March 16th, 2007. This legislation MUST NOT happen.

Recipe for a Tax Reform Disaster

Main Ingredients
One Case of 67 Florida Counties
Sprinkle In - Tax Reform that features special interests and exemptions
Crock pot full Corrupt County Commissioners
Substitute – Give Free Reign to certain local commissioners to ignore tax reform in place of fair and equal taxes
5 Heaping Tablespoons of Complicated laws so that the public can't understand them
Mix in favors to corrupt commissioners in proposed legislation
Then - Add a liberal amount of deception, greed, power, nepotism, cronyism and legislative hocus pocus to the mix.
Slice and Dice Tax Reform in a large legislative Mixing Bowl
Add in special interests and attractive guarantees.
Open a case of 67 Florida Counties and use only 37 of largest Florida Counties – and add to the Legislative Mixing Bowl.
Mix in special interests, favors and political wizardry – Hocus Pocus completes the illusion of a smorgasbord of tax savings.
Set aside the remaining 30 smaller counties and give them to their corrupt county commissioners to be brought to a quick boil in a cauldron (This step insures that the constituents of the smaller counties will not be able to jump out of the pot). Be sure that the cauldron is large enough to handle large amounts of Free Reign anti tax reform license as well as a large dose of corruption. Mix in a liberal amount of deception, greed power, nepotism, and cronyism.
Drain off all the assets and dreams of smaller counties` constituents and funnel into the pockets of the corrupt commissioners
Pour mixture onto a large silver platter
Garnish with the Sliced and Diced Tax Reform and the remaining 37 largest counties over the remains of the 30 smaller counties...Make it look pretty.

Politicians and crooked local commissioners will just love this recipe!

Other serving methods –
Throw in the faces of the legislators and commissioners who concocted this insidiously evil scheme.
Pour this mixture over the economy of Florida and watch the economy come grinding to a halt

I know that this recipe is not a perfect analogy, but its flawed analogy is perfect for the flawed legislation that appears about to happen...

Write your legislators at:

Sincerely Yours,
Citizen Bill Phillips
Levy County Tax Rebel ©
Fair Government for Levy County © 352-543-0460

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