

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor
July 4th, 2013

Letters to the Editor: Crystal River Manatee
February 20th, 2013

Letters to the Editor: Recent "Conservation" letters/column`s to the Cedar Key News
November 26th, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Letter To Editor - Veteran`s Day Signs
November 15th, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Letter to Editor - Vote tabulation and voting process in Florida
November 11th, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Letter to Editor - A Reply to - "Emperor with no Clothes"
November 1st, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Letter to Editor - "Emperor with no Clothes"
November 1st, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Letter to Editor - Seafood “Parking Ticket” Festival!!
October 24th, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Amabassador`s Assassination
September 14th, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Letter To Editor - Halloween Spook House
September 6th, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Why I Am Resigning My Commissioner Seat
August 24th, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Letter To Editor - Willie Smith
July 31st, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Letter To Editor - Post Office
July 26th, 2012

Letters to the Editor: A North Florida Water War
July 23rd, 2012

Letters to the Editor: A Reply to the "Letter to the Editor - Stand Your Ground"
July 10th, 2012


Candidate Withdraws from Commission Race

Candidate Withdraws from Commission Race

Letters to the Editor

Editor and Citizens of Cedar Key:

My name is Ed Way and as many of you know I was running for City Commissioner Seat #1.

On the 26th of March I was informed by my doctor I needed major surgery. At that time he informed me he does not think it is a good idea to run for office at this time, for it will take sometime to recover completely from the surgery.

There are many things in this town that need addressing, lower taxes, there are many places the revenue can be recovered. The city pier, can be moved with some help and cooperation between city and certain property owners.

It takes everyone in a town working together and not a few trying to do all. To make the town progress I have many ideas on these matters.

I would like to thank all of you who supported me from the bottom of my heart.

I have not met my opponent Mr. Hodges, but by speaking to people I am sure he has many of the same goals and is more then qualified to make changes for the better.

Ed Way
Cedar Key

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Cedar Key News