


Letters to the Editor: Solid Waste Solutions
February 8th, 2010

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor from Bill Betts
January 12th, 2010

Letters to the Editor: Letter: Recycling Trailer Update
January 9th, 2010

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor: Comments About Restaurant
November 19th, 2009

Letters to the Editor: Letters: Lest We Forget
November 1st, 2009

Letters to the Editor: Letters: Concern Over Business Name
October 31st, 2009

Letters to the Editor: Restore Music in Cedar Key
October 6th, 2009

Letters to the Editor: Cedar Key Visit
October 1st, 2009

Letters to the Editor: Letter: A Glimpse Into the Past
August 22nd, 2009

Letters to the Editor: Cost of Solar Panels Questioned
July 19th, 2009

Letters to the Editor: Letter: Budget Process Needs Citizen Input
July 6th, 2009

Letters to the Editor: Regarding the Hodgson Avenue Brush Fire
June 14th, 2009

Letters to the Editor: Rescued in Gulf - Thank You
June 4th, 2009

Letters to the Editor: Thank You, Cedar Key
May 24th, 2009

Letters to the Editor: Missing Joel and Dick
May 22nd, 2009


Rescued in Gulf - Thank You

Rescued in Gulf - Thank You

Letters to the Editor


Thank you Cedar Key!

There it was! Dead ahead - an empty beer can floating in the channel off Atsena Otie - polluting our pristine water! Cruising home in my little Zodiak it should be easy to scoop up that trash without slowing down. But, as I reached down for the can my arm caught in the water and, in a split second, I was pulled overboard. Little "Archy" (my boat) kept right on going by himself, then u-turned and headed for the Gulf of Mexico - along with my wallet, car keys, cell phone et al!

While trying to swim to Marker 24 a "big" boat came along and pulled me onboard. It was Kelly and Jessy Davis and their family who called the authorities and took me to the dock. From there Cedar Key`s extraordinary hospitality went into action!

Police Chief Virgil Sandlin consoled me (he`s had a similar, but much worse, accident himself) and unlocked my car doors with his widget. Capt. Doug of Tidewater Tours immediately went after my boat and Barbara brought me some water. Tom Dye from the hardware store obtained a room for me at the Kingfisher Motel from JD at Natures Landing and then drove me there with some dry clothes and loaned me some cash.

After a rejuvenating shower the police and Coast Guard (from Yankeetown) knocked on the door to tell me the could not find my boat, and from here on, I was "on my own." Not true - my friend Wickie, from Annie`s Restaurant, showed up and treated me to dinner at the hotel, then drove me back to the Kingfisher for a night of exhausted slumber.

My message is: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, one and all. Your good will and support were phenomenal! I only wish the rest of the Universe was as hospitable and caring as you all.

Final request: some "unknown fisherman" found "Archy" early the next morning (May 6) and returned him to the dock and police with all valuables intact; but they never identified themselves. Police said they were "in a hurry to get out and catch some fish."

Please, if anyone reads my story and can identify those good Samaritans, please call me at home in Ozona (727-953-7243) or one of my friends (see above) and tell us who did the good deed so I can properly thank them!

Jack Greeley

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