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Letter to the Editor: Cedar Key is Alive and Well

Letter to the Editor: Cedar Key is Alive and Well

Letters to the Editor

(Editor`s Note: The following Letter to the Editor was submitted to The Gainesville Sun by Cedar Key resident Dale Register and is reprinted here with Mr. Register`s permission.)


Bill Maxwell`s article on September 30 about Cedar Key presents gloom and doom. While we appreciate his visit, the situation is overstated. August and September have traditionally been our slowest months. With the October (16th and 17th) Seafood Festival coming soon, Cedar Key will enjoy another seasonal upswing.

Bill mentions the Island Hotel and the opening hours of the restaurant and bar as examples. According to the owners, both venues have not opened until evening for many years. They also said that this is the second best of the 7 years they have owned the hotel.

Yes, the the oil spill has hurt the local economy. But Cedar Key has been resilient through far more difficult times. COME VISIT and ENJOY "Old Florida" charm and the great SAFE and TASTY seafood!!

Dale Register
Cedar Key

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