


Letters to the Editor: Mitochondrial Disease Awareness Week
September 24th, 2011

July 30th, 2011

Letters to the Editor: Letter To Editor
July 18th, 2011

Letters to the Editor: Letter: Local Mom & Pop Business Offers Free Marketing Opportunity
June 21st, 2011

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Letters to the Editor: Letter: Oil Spill Claims Litigation Options Still Available
May 23rd, 2011

Letters to the Editor: Letter FROM the Editor
May 18th, 2011

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May 18th, 2011

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor: Candidate Responds
May 10th, 2011

Letters to the Editor: Letter: Thank You From Candidate
May 9th, 2011

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor: No Endorsement Given
May 9th, 2011

Letters to the Editor: Letter: Save Gulf Hammock
April 11th, 2011

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor: What More Can We Do to Save Our Libraries?
March 28th, 2011

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor: Fireworks Viewed from Seat #2
March 11th, 2011

Letters to the Editor: Letter: Fishing and Aquaculture Producers Seek Assistance in BP Claims Process
February 6th, 2011


Letter: Save Gulf Hammock

Letter: Save Gulf Hammock

Letters to the Editor


Once upon a time in Levy County, there was a great and wondrous place called Gulf Hammock. The rivers, streams, and springs ran clear and free. The flora and fauna was the richest in the land. One could walk for miles and not see another human being, or any kind of structure to impede their vision while taking in all that nature had to offer. It acted as a buffer for the riches of Waccasassa Bay.
But that is about to change, forever.

The Levy County Planning and Zoning Board voted 4-1 to recommend going forward with the project, and the Levy County Board of Commissioners will hold a hearing May 3 on the application of a major mining company to mine for lime rock.

Not only the citizens of Levy County, but everyone stands a chance of losing this area to destruction forever. The Floridan Aquifer will be negatively impacted, and the landscape ruined. And counter to the applicant`s statements, you can`t mitigate the original landscape back into existence.

This mining company, which is from other parts of the State and abroad, would have you believe that they are in the best interest of Levy County. In fact, for years they have been paving their way with monetary rewards all over the county. Some call this, vote softening money, as the company expects to reap a special use exception permit from all its "grants" and "donations" to worthy causes.

Some of these worthy causes are related to the very people that will vote regarding this permit to mine. They sit on the board of directors of such entities, or their spouses are board members of these entities. One could even wonder about the county commissioners themselves during the recent election with campaign contributions, and in kind donations to the benefit of a local school.

We`ve seen this process before with the nuclear plant permitting. The "grants" dried up after they got their permit.

Yes indeed, this mining company has bought its way into our county. Past community leaders were convicted for taking money for a fake development, so I guess if the company is real, then the money can be accepted without prosecution.
Claims made in this company`s big ads are also suspect, in that they contradict statements made by company reps at previous meetings.

Example: salt water intrusion in test wells was admitted to several years ago. But the latest ads state that there isn`t any "sodium chloride" detected. The sea levels haven`t dropped, so the sodium chloride has disappeared? The truth is only as valid as the amount of money paid to the consultants who wrote the reports.

Write of your concerns to the Levy County Commission.
If you have any doubts as to the track record of this company, then research Miami Lakes and benzene, and how it impacted the water in Dade County. Even the impacts to our roads will be horrendous. Not to mention what little water we have left.

Decide if you want this to occur, or not. What is the true cost to our County and our State, and is it worth the destruction. Please come to the hearing on May 3 at 6:30 p.m. in the Commissioners` meeting room at the Levy County Courthouse in Bronson.

Brack Barker
Williston, Florida

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