

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor
July 4th, 2013

Letters to the Editor: Crystal River Manatee
February 20th, 2013

Letters to the Editor: Recent "Conservation" letters/column`s to the Cedar Key News
November 26th, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Letter To Editor - Veteran`s Day Signs
November 15th, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Letter to Editor - Vote tabulation and voting process in Florida
November 11th, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Letter to Editor - A Reply to - "Emperor with no Clothes"
November 1st, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Letter to Editor - "Emperor with no Clothes"
November 1st, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Letter to Editor - Seafood “Parking Ticket” Festival!!
October 24th, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Amabassador`s Assassination
September 14th, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Letter To Editor - Halloween Spook House
September 6th, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Why I Am Resigning My Commissioner Seat
August 24th, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Letter To Editor - Willie Smith
July 31st, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Letter To Editor - Post Office
July 26th, 2012

Letters to the Editor: A North Florida Water War
July 23rd, 2012

Letters to the Editor: A Reply to the "Letter to the Editor - Stand Your Ground"
July 10th, 2012


Letter: Change is Once Again Happening in Cedar Key

Letter: Change is Once Again Happening in Cedar Key

Letters to the Editor


Cedar Key has been challenged over the past few years by rising taxes, downward spiraling economy and bad publicity with the gulf oil spill. We have seen many homes for sale and empty windows and for rent signs along Dock Street. We have lost some friends and businesses on Dock Street that will be missed. Change may not always be wanted but you can count on it being an inevitable part of life.

CHANGE IS ONCE AGAIN OCCURRING IN CEDAR KEY and this time Cedar Key is in forward motion. Dock Street has come alive with more restaurants to satisfy your taste buds and retail shops. We still have many of the old familiar faces in the same familiar places. A few local stores re-located to other convenient spots on the island.

Our streets are almost done being paved. Cedar Key is climbing its way up and out of this recession, and, as always, is ready to welcome you to your vacation destination.

Doreen Bauer
Faraway Inn, Cedar Key FL

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Cedar Key News