

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor
July 4th, 2013

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Letter to The Editor

Letter to The Editor

Robin McClary

[Editor's Note: The following letter is published verbatim. The views expressed herein are not necessarily the views of and we are not responsible for its content.]

Dear Fellow Citizens of Cedar Key;

Using the strongest possible terms, The City of Cedar Key, its government and your rights as citizens, property owners, residents or visitors are at a crossroad. We must make a decision on May 21st to bring responsible, responsive and progressive government to Cedar Key or languish between desperation and despair. Using the analogy of a signpost with four possible directions, all clearly marked -the first, continued chaos, the second, return to the past, the third, caution, unknown, the fourth, progress, go slowly. Anyone who has witnessed the past decade knows we must select the fourth option. The engine that drives our economy steams west on Route 24 everyday bringing people with their pockets stuffed with greenbacks to rent, buy, eat, etc. These visitors support our business establishments, our motels, our real estate offices, our restaurants, and even us.

The commission, made up traditionally of water-related individuals for the past 8 years has ignored our business community while providing themselves with every advantage to the detriment of our overall development. The worst part is that the small fortunes extracted from the near shore waters off Cedar Key have exited the city in no small numbers. The distain and disgraceful actions of this arrogant group has allowed a non-elected official to run our city while treating the only elected businessman/commissioner with distain and contempt by the majority of the commission when in fact his issues were real and relevant.

This one commissioner fought for the rights of each property owner and citizen against overwhelming odds. He was depicted as a criminal, buffoon and irrelevant when the issue was our rights, but the fight was over a shed. However, this stellar businessman remained undaunted and relentlessly fought for the rights in which he believes. Take the example of the proposed new position of enforcement officer. This commissioner asked if a citizen`s basic right to trial would be denied by the dictate of an unknowing, uncaring, hired gun brought to us by an un-elected city attorney. This whole matter is the result of a vindictive, 3 man majority, one of whom (sic) is now a lame duck.

Even the minutes excluded the city attorney's admission of a citizens rights being drastically diminished. The corrected minutes will be submitted for approval on May 14th when you as a citizen wil1 have the opportunity to keep this debaucle (sic.) from becoming law at the hands of, again, a lame duck legislator.

It is imperative that we provide some continuity by re-electing the encumbant (sic.) commissioner.

After the e1ection of May 21st and the ensuing appointment of a commissioner/mayor, we have the right and the duty to insist that the new mayor be educated in decorum, duty and process of government. The Sunshine Laws which protect us from undue conspiracies between commissioners also prevents our needs and concerns from being discussed in other than public commission meetings. This is certainly a double-edged sword and requires each one of you to comment in the public forum such as this article or available electronic media.

Please forgive the wordyness (sic) of this article but consider the importance of the subject matter.

Vote on May 21st and make your wishes known on May 14th.

Tom Duggan

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