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Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor


Dear Editor:

This letter is in response to Tom Duggan`s most recent tirade against the Cedar Key City Commission.

Tom is upset because the commission is made up of people that make their living on the water. People similar to the commission Cedar Key has had for decades. People similar to the ones that built this town and made it a nice place to live.

There have always been Carpetbaggers of like mind in this town that felt the "business community" was not being catered to by the City Commission. Not everyone in town is there to exploit its beauty and make a dollar by using city right-of-way as Tom does.

I am a taxpayer in Cedar Key and I don`t like part of my taxes being used to buy insurance for the lawsuits sure to come when some kid in a golf cart becomes roadkill on a city street. In short, I don`t like subsidizing the golf cart rental business in town.

As for Tom`s continuous complaining about the City Attorney running the city, nothing could be further from the truth. David Coffey could be somewhere making real money when he is down here at a greatly reduced rate helping us stay out of trouble with federal and state agencies while, at the same time, using his experience to save the city a great deal of money in many other areas.

Most of the time people that have a problem with the City Commission go there with an attitude. You show me your attitude and I`ll show you mine.

Mike Davis

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