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Net Ban Revisited

Net Ban Revisited

Jim Hoy

When Florida voters passed a law limiting the size of nets used by commercial fishermen the people of Cedar Key felt the effect. That effect will be reviewed November 5 with the presentation of a multimedia event called "Net Loss."

The Florida Humanities Council awarded the Cedar Key Aquaculture Association $2000 to cover the costs of a narrator and showing of an artist's depiction of the net ban's effects on people. The November 5, 7:00 PM event at the Cedar Key School will include a moderated discussion of the net ban by the audience. The event is called "Net Loss, Net Gain," in recognition of the community's response to the ban by building a clamming industry to replace the fishing industry destroyed by the net ban.

Other activities associated with the showing of "Net Loss" will be a 4:00 PM service at City Hall in memory of the lost fishing industry. Also, there will be a reception for visiting members of the Humanities Council with local artists in attendance. Following the evening showing of "Net Loss" there will be a clam chowder reception with Clam Jamm providing music and Anna White singing her unsuccessfully suppressed song in memory of the fishermen.

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