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Soldiers Receive Holiday Bounty

Soldiers Receive Holiday Bounty

By Molly Jubitz

Thank You, Cedar Key!
"Project 27" is Complete Success

A member of the Mavericks platoon, identified only as "Pina," opens his box of Christmas goodies sent by generous Cedar Key residents to the soldiers in Iraq.

Sgt. Jamie Lawrence notified his parents, Jim and Patty Lawrence, that all 27 of the boxes sent to his platoon had arrived shortly after Thanksgiving. The boxes, filled with all sorts of items needed by the soldiers, were gathered, packed and sent by a group of Cedar Key residents.

Since most of the items were donated anonymously, it is impossible to thank each person. However, thanks go out to Jimmy Lawrence, Cliff Sieling, Pat Smith and Charlie and Karen Greene, who worked hard to pack the boxes for mailing. Thanks also to Postmaster Roy Miller for handling such a large shipment graciously and quickly. The first group of boxes arrived at the platoon's headquarters in 9 days.

The soldiers, who have been busy out on patrols recently, expressed gratitude for the gifts. It was reported that small Christmas trees were everywhere in their quarters, attached to walls, bunks and even the ceiling. "The guys really seem to be enjoying them a lot," Jamie Lawrence wrote.

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