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Lions Host District Governor

Lions Host District Governor

Cedar Key Lions Club

Left to right: Eileen Senecal, President Roland Senecal, District Governor Gunter Hirsch and Cris Hirsch.

District 35L Governor Gunter Hirsch, accompanied by his wife Lion Cris, made his official visit to the Cedar Key Lions Club on Tuesday, March 21.

The Governor inducted eight new Lions into the Club. He then presented awards to Lion Ruth Hernandez for her outstanding work as chairperson of the club`s Vision Program and to Lion Maurice Hendricks for his Lions leadership role.

District Governor Gunter spoke on the need for passion and vision in a Lions Club. He then gave a brief history of the founding of the International Association of Lions Clubs in 1917 and Hellen Keller`s challenge in 1925 to the Lions to become Knights of the Blind. This challenge has resulted in multiple millions of eyeglasses being provided for those in need, millions of cataract surgeries, and the near elimination of river blindness in underdeveloped countries.

Finally, he noted that a vision without action is just a dream and we all need to examine our goals in order to move the vision forward.

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