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Land Use Issues Dominate Commission Meeting

Land Use Issues Dominate Commission Meeting

Jim Hoy

A reoccurring complaint regarding the use, or lack of use, of the Historic-Architectural Review Board (HARB), three petitions and one resolution, all land use issues, generated an April 18 Commission meeting that lasted over three hours. Also, the session included presentation of seven potential ordinances developed by the Moratorium Committee, consideration of a block grant request, approval of a 2006 clam festival and a donation to the Cedar Key Scholarship Fund.

Robert Whitener addressed the Commission with a Memorandum for the Record in which he asked that the HARB hold a workshop to discuss redevelopment of Second Street. Furthermore, he opined that City Attorney David Coffey has a conflict of interest in development matters. Whitener's complaint is based on the Commission's approval of a development in the Historic District without an HARB recommendation, for or against, the project. City attorney Coffey vigorously defended the Commission's action in the absence of an HARB report, and denied ever having violated the Sunshine Law. Whitener told Cedar Key News after the meeting, "The laws of Cedar Key clearly state that the Commission must hear the advice of the HARB." And he said, "There is no public record that tells who made the decision to bypass the HARB."

Brett Vincent's petition to build a bulkhead behind his "G" Street property was approved, provided he follows the recommendations of the Building Official. Mike Smith's request to reconfigure the orientation of three lots was given full approval. Mike Hodges' request for a conditional use permit was approved after an extensive presentation in support of a clammers' parking lot at the corner of Gulf Boulevard and Hodges Avenue. An effort by Ann Walker, who lives nearby, to have a deed restriction preventing public use of the lot by anyone other than clammers was rejected by the Commission.

The Commission passed a resolution to allow purchase of the two lots for clammer parking. Also, the Commission arranged for the Cedar Key Aquaculture Association to police the use of the parking lot. In other clammer business, permission was granted to use City Park for Clamerica Celebration, July 4.

The Commission approved donation of $250 to the Cedar Key Scholarship Fund, and then increased the amount to $500 after being shamed by Commissioner Heath Davis' grandmother for giving less than the Cedar Key Women's Club.

The final Commission action was to designate May 22 as Hurricane Awareness Day on which there will be a special event at the Cedar Key Lions Club.

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