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Class of 2006 Graduates May 20

Class of 2006 Graduates May 20

By Terri DuLong

Thirteen seniors marched into the Cedar Key School gym Saturday morning to the applause of friends, family and many in the community that were there to share the students`achievements.

A welcome address was given by retiring Principal Dan Faircloth. Baby pictures of the students were shown in a slide presentation, with each montage ending with their senior photo. This was followed by the Flower Presentation when the graduates went into the audience to present their mothers with an arrangement.

In her Salutatorian Address, Lauren Kerchner spoke of the past years with her classmates and the memories and friendships that were formed. Mr. Robert Hastings, former Principal at Cedar Key School, likened their school years to that of a train station in his Commencement Address. He explained how during the train ride, people only focus on the destination. "When I'm sixteen and have my own car ...or when I finish college ...or when I retire, I'll live happily," he said. There's no one place to arrive he told the graduates. "The true joy of life is the journey. Treasure the moment. Regret and fear rob us of the pleasure of today. Laugh more—cry less. The station will come."

Presentation of Scholarships were as follows; Florida Medallion Award – Courtney Cress, Amanda Easler, Kendra Harden and Lauren Kerchner; Central Florida Community College – Lauren Kerchner and Courtney Cress; Capital City Group Foundation – Amanda Easler; Levy County School Foundation – Courtney Cress; Doug and Pam Bishop Scholarship – Kendra Harden; Suncoast Federal Credit Union –Lauren Kerchner; Cora Tooke Andrews – Lauren Kerchner; Perkins Financial Group – Courtney Cress; Cedar Key Lioness – Kendra Harden; CFEC Foundation – Lauren Kerchner; PTO – Amanda Easler, Courtney Cress and Kendra Harden; Quallsco – Lauren Kerchner; Emily Pearl Rodes Lawrence – Lauren Kerchner; FFEA – Amanda Easler, Kendra Harden, Carlos Frota and Lauren Kerchner; Emma Belle Townsend – Carla Fine; Women's Club – Lauren Kerchner; Reed B. Proctor – Courtney Cress; Eagles and Eagles Auxillary – Cory Frota and Justin Hardison; PH Day – Amanda Easler; FBLA – Courtney Cress, Amanda Easler, Kendra Harden, Justin Hardison, Lauren Kerchner and Jerret Westling.

Amanda Easler was presented Subject area awards for Journalism, English IV, and Draw Paint. Awards for Honor Roll '05-'06 went to Amanda Easler, Kendra Harden, Lauren Kerchner and Jerret Westling. Citizenship award was presented to David Trimble.

Presenting the Scholarships and awards were Beth Davis, Jerry Leary, Inez Worthington, The Rev. Richard Burns, Billy Morrison, Thelma McCain, Kim and Nate Ingram, Brenda Coulter, James Lawrence, Linda Campbell, and Jennie Lynn Lane.

Dan Faircloth, Cliff Norris and Beth Davis presented Diplomas to the graduates amid cheers and applause from the audience. The Recessional ended at the back of the gym with the traditional cap toss.

The community of Cedar Key shares the pride of the graduates and wishes the Class of 2006 a successful and bright future no matter where their journey takes them.

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