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CK Commission Retreat June 15

CK Commission Retreat June 15

Jim Hoy

The Cedar Key Commission met June 15 in retreat format to set its business priorities for the next twelve months. With Ruth Hernandez channeling the discussion, many general topics were identified, ranked in importance and consolidated where appropriate.

Ideas ranging from making Dock Street one-way to several Community Redevelopment Agency- related issues were broached. Perhaps the most novel idea was enforcement of parking regulations. CRA Director Jackie Gorman, City Attorney David Coffey and LPA Chair Greg Lang joined the Commission in its discussion.

The interrelationship of the Comprehensive Plan, CRA plans, a bond issue and an agreement between the City and Levy County was acknowledged. Each topic received high priority. Purchase of properties, including the Lions Club building, and revision of the current CRA plan were also given high priority. The possibility of using CRA fnds to enrich the offering of the Cedar Key School will also be pursued.

Mayor Paul Oliver opened discussion of changing City administration to the city manager form of government. He pointed out that CRA Director Gorman is now functioning as a city manager in some respects, but without the compensation or job description. That topic will no doubt be investigated further.

The legal status of CRA's may be affected by a bill now on Gov. Bush's desk for signature after unanimous passage by both houses of the legislature. The Commission decided to "retreat" again in six months to review progress toward the chosen goals.

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