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Muir Inspired Hikers

Muir Inspired Hikers

Jim Hoy

One hundred thirty-nine years after John Muir arrived in Cedar Key a Michigan couple followed in his foot steps. Wil and Sarah Reding, of Kalamazoo, MI, retraced the path of naturalist John Muir's hike from Indianapolis, IN to Cedar Key, arriving on the fifty-third day of the trip, just as Muir did. Like Muir, they found hospitality all along the way.

Hikers Wil and Sarah Reding at the Muir Historic Marker in Cedar Key State Park. The sign is near the location where John Muir stayed during his visit in 1867.

Both Will And Sarah follow Muir's example in their professional lives. Wil teaches environmental sciences at Western Michigan University and Sarah in an interpretive naturalist in a Michigan park. They have visited Muir's well preserved home and orchard in California. (Muir was a very successful rancher and orchardist before becoming a leader in conservation and the establishment of the National Parks system.)

The Reding's are enthusiastic birders in adition to Wil's special interest in native plants. Sarah spoke of seeing relatively rare Dickcissels in open grasslands as they hiked. Of course seeing Roseate Spoonbills in Florida also was a treat. Wil remarked on Piliated Woodpeckers and their increasing abundance, a sign of the species adapting to wooded suburbs, a rare habitat in Muir's time. A conversation with the Redings soon demonstrates their love of nature, and their concern about the impact of human culture on the natural environment. There too they follow in John Muir's footsteps.

The Redings must return to their jobs in Kalamazoo soon. They have no immediate plans for another trek. However, it is certain that they will continue John Muir's work.

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