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Clamerica `06 Clicks

Clamerica `06 Clicks

Jim Hoy

Virtuoso Cajun fiddler, Dave Becnel provided very lively music for the Clamerica crowd as did three other music groups.

Cindy and Jimmie Wells repeated their success as first place winners in the golf cart-float parade.

The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat in the first heat of the sack races.

Ingeborg Worth and others inspected the fifteen entries in the clam cook-off.

Judges Stanley Bair (left) and Ramsey Parham (second from right) with clam cook-off prize winners Sue Colson, Pat Deas, Sue Viertel (left to right) and Linda Seyfert (far right).

While the musicians played and the judges judged and the adults noshed clams, some of the children in the park used the ever popular playground.

Southpaw delivery of a mullet during the Chuck-a-Mullet contest. Note the body English and caution of the bystanders.

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