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Building Department Fees Approved

Building Department Fees Approved

Jim Hoy

The absence of two Commissioners from the July 18 Commission meeting significantly reduced a twenty item agenda, as did delay or withdrawal of several more items. However, pro and con discussion of a proposed Tri-County hospital and proposed building permit fees enlivened the meeting. A request to allow set-up of the Celebration of the Arts show after 9:00 PM was rejected under Administrative Issues agenda item.

A presentation in favor of Ameris Health Systems building a hospital in Chiefland was rebutted by George Sresovich and Dr. John Andrews. Sresovich cited personal experience with another Ameris facility and Dr. Andrews emphasized the need for urgent and emergency care, but expressed doubt about the need for a full service hospital.

Mayor/Commissioner Paul Oliver delayed voting on seven ordinances at the request of Commissioner Vanessa Edmunds who did not attend the meeting. He welcomed comments on seven deferred agenda items that would have been voted upon. Bob Edson expressed his concern about Ordinance 405 and the list of historic sites. City attorney David Coffey explained the legal significance of the list and its relationship to the Comprehensive Plan. Also, the opportunity for citizens to "opt out" of the Historic District and the tradition to allow opting out was mentioned by Commissioner Heath Davis.

A resolution amending Building Department fees for services was hotly debated, ending in a change in fees for projects of more than $750,000. The Commission unanimously approved a charge of $75 for projects under $5000, a charge of 1.5% for projects between $5000 and $750,000 and 1.0% of projects over $750,000. The resolution passed 3-0.

In other business, CRA Director Jackie Gorman announced a grant of $200,000 from the Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program for additional work in City Park. Also, the Commission denied a request to allow set-up of the Celebration of the Arts show after 9:00 PM on a Friday evening. Commissioner Heath Davis told Cedar Key News that "everyone" is opposed to Friday night set-up.

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