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L.P.A. Starts E.A.R.

L.P.A. Starts E.A.R.

Jim Hoy

The first step in producing an EAR (Evaluation and Appraisal Report) was taken September 21 by Cedar Key's Local Planning Agency. The EAR is a state required study of the failings of the 1990 Comprehensive Plan that is currently under revision.

Gail Easley, who is a consultant to the Cedar Key Commission regarding planning and growth, outlined for the LPA the steps needed to satisfy the Florida Department of Community Affairs prior to revision of Cedar Key's Comprehensive Plan. She said that the cost of having her prepare the EAR will be "between the low 20's and $25,000."

EAR Flow Chart

Four or five public hearings will be held. The deadline for filing the EAR is after August 1, 2007 and before November 1, 2007. Ms. Easley presented a flow chart that showed the steps in the process.

The first step in the process, identification of local issues to be addressed began immediately after her explanation of the flow chart. (See illustration.) Four LPA members, Greg Lang, Stanley Bair, David Watson and Linda Seyfert, suggested nine issues that need attention. Audience member Dr. Marguerite VanLandingham added five more issues, after noting that there were only two other citizens in the audience without official duties.

The various issues fell into two general categories, i.e. affordable housing and protecting resources. Affordable housing, with a target date of 2010, was mentioned in passing along with hand ringing. Resource protection of water quality (drinking and sea water), conservation zones and historic structures were mentioned, as was protection of trees in uplands areas. There was a brief discussion of Cedar Key's "quaintness" and how it could be defined and protected.

The next step in the EAR process will be a meeting September 26 with representatives of outside agencies to determine the scope of the EAR.

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