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Levy County Millage Set at 7.9 Mils

Levy County Millage Set at 7.9 Mils

Jim Hoy

When is a tax increase really a tax decrease? Commissioner Danny Stevens explained that logic to a crowd of tax payers at the September 25 Special Meeting of the Levy County commissioners. Public comment was limited to three minutes for each speaker, some of whom were succinct and did not take that long to express their despair over the increase in property taxes. Salmon colored leaflets carried by many tax payers asked for a recall election if property taxes were not lowered.

Levy Co. Commissioners (l. to r.) Danny Stevens, Lilly Rooks, Nancy Bell, Tony Parker and Sammy Yearty prepare to hear public comments.

At the opening of the meeting a millage rate of 7.9 was announced, without comment from any of the five Commission members.

Dave Bibby, of Williston, spoke first, asking that the millage be set at 6.5. He added that in the previous two years taxes had gone up 13 and 18 percent, followed by an increase this year of 26 percent. Jerry Robinson, also of Williston, told the Commissioners that their vote would be remembered at the next election. Renate Cannon, of Chiefland asked a series of questions, all of which received the answer that "We don't know."

Dave Bibby reiterating past tax increases.

Eve Jensen, of Cedar Key, spoke in support of reducing the millage to 6.5, and said that the tax increase resulting from a millage of 7.9 is "just short of obscene." One speaker lamented that her $5000 tax bill included a car port and a chicken coop. She said that someone in the assessor's office told her that if she painted the chicken coop her assessment would be increased.

Ada Marie Keeton of Bronson asking for tax relief.

Dottie Haldeman, of Cedar Key, noted that the opening prayer included the victims of 9-11, adding that we should also pray for the elderly victims of the 26 percent tax increase. One speaker told the Commission that it is time for a ballot measure so that the voters can roll back taxes as had been done elsewhere. In a similar vein, the audience had leaflets calling for recall of elected officials responsible for the increases in assessments and millage rate.

Commissioner Danny Stevens telling the audience that taxes have been reduced.

In response to the public comments, Commissioner Danny Stevens said that in fact the Commission had reduced taxes (to 26 percent from the original 32 percent increase.) When Commissioner Tony Parker said that as a responsible person he had to vote for the millage at 7.9 there were rude comments from the audience. Commissioner Lilly Rooks could barely speak she was so distressed by her support for the 7.9 millage rate. Commissioner Sammy Yearty defended the increase, citing the need for radio communication and increased personnel for emergency services.

Commissioner Nancy Bell, who is Chair of the Commission, passed the gavel to the Vice Chair so that she could make two motions. First she moved to lower the millage rate. However no other Commissioner would second the motion. Also, she addressed the plans for hiring a second attorney for the County. Her motion to abolish the Attorney's office in favor of an attorney on retainer failed for lack of a second from any other Commissioner.

The Commission passed the millage at 7.9 and approved a $77,000,000 budget on votes of four to one, with Commissioner Bell voting no in both cases.

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