


News: Chamber of Commerce News
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January 21st, 2006

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News: New Show at Arts Center
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News: Short, Semisweet Commission Meeting
January 5th, 2006

News: Natures Landing Landing Management Change
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News: Second Street Development Plan
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News: Shellfish Harvest Updates
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News: Soldiers Receive Holiday Bounty
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A New Dog for CKPD

A New Dog for CKPD

Jim Hoy

The City Commission, sitting as the Community Redevelopment Agency, made split decisions on the future of a K-9 police patrol and contributions of up to $7,000 to the upcoming Seafood Festival. In other business, the Commission was unanimous in approval of a contract for miscellaneous engineering services with Mittauer and Associates of Orange Park and payment of about $4,000 to Civic Design for mapping work beyond an original contract.

Commissioner Pat O'Neal recommended purchase and training of a Labrador Retriever as an eventual replacement for the current Cedar Key police dog. The dog and a three to four week training of dog and handler, at a cost of $7,500, will result in a fully certified K-9 team. O'Neal's motion, seconded by Commissioner Edmunds, passed 3 to 2, with Davis and Colson voting against.

Commissioner Davis revisited the Commission's contribution of $7,000 toward expenses for the 2007 arts show by moving for an up to $7,000 contribution to the upcoming Seafood Festival. Other Commissioners questioned the need and absence of any request for financial help. Two Lions Club officials spoke to clarify that the Lions Club has not asked for money from the City. After a brief mention of Clamerica by Commissioner Colson, Davis' motion failed on a 3 to 2 vote, with Davis and Colson for the motion.

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