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News: CLAMERICA: Clamania Events
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News: CFCC to Expand in Levy County
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News: The Big, Big Dock
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High-tech Water Purification System Arrives in Cedar Key

High-tech Water Purification System Arrives in Cedar Key

Jim Hoy

Delivery of the Cedar Key Water and Sewer District's latest component for treating drinking water arrived October 23. Based on pilot tests in February, an ion exchange resin process will be used to remove organic materials from raw water, thereby reducing the amount of chlorinated compounds produced when the water is chlorinated prior to distribution.

Neal Williams (l.), Neil Doty (center) and James McCain (r.) standing in front of the newly delivered ion exchange resin unit.

Neal Williams, Process Engineer for Orica Watercare, said that water will pass over resin particles that attract large organic molecules. The resin particles are continuously purged of the undesirable organic molecules in a separate tank and returned to pick up another load of organics.

James McCain, Water District Superintendent, told Cedar Key News that the ion exchange resin component will take about a month to be put online. The new addition to the water treatment system has a cost of $500,000. Once the system is running the Florida Department of Environmental Protection must give approval for routine use.

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