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House Boat Vandalized

House Boat Vandalized

Jim Hoy

Beached house boat at Cedar Cove.

A house boat in transit and caught in a low tide December 22 anchored just off Cedar Key's City Park. During the night the anchor lines were cut according to boat owner Terry Hitt. The boat drifted and was found on the park beach the next morning. After being refloated, the boat was again set adrift December 24, eventually lodging on rocks adjacent to the Cedar Cove condominiums. Hitt found the boat at 3 AM Christmas morning.

The house boat not only had been set adrift but suffered a hole drilled in the hull and a threatening message spray painted on the boat's siding. Hitt attributed the message, "Be Warned," to a long-time dispute with a local person. A police investigation has been requested.

Threatening graffito.

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