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April Arts Show Plans Firmed

April Arts Show Plans Firmed

Jim Hoy

Missy Jackson, Event Coordinator for the April arts show, as she requested Friday Night Set Up.

The artists coming to Cedar Key's Celebration of the Arts next April will be able to set up their booths late Friday evening. The Cedar Key Commission gave unanimous approval to set up beginning a 9:00 PM along the two block s of Second Street from D to B Streets. Saturday morning additional booths will be set up between A and B Streets. Food booths will be set up on Second Street between A and Depot Streets.

Missy Jackson, the Event Coordinator for the Old Florida Celebration of the Arts, requested "Friday Night Set Up" as a means of drawing the best possible applicants to the show. She also proposed a specific R-V parking area for the exhibiting artists and clarification of Second Street being given a special cleaning prior to the show.

Ms Jackson was selected as the Event Coordinator in November upon the resignation of her predecessor. Also, starting in early January, a full-time intern from the University oof Florida has been assisting Ms. Jackson in preparations for the April 21-22 show.

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