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New Code Enforcement Officer

New Code Enforcement Officer

Jim Hoy

The City of Cedar Key has a new employee who doubles as Building Technician/Code Enforcement Officer. Teresa George, a relatively new resident of Cedar Key began work in early January. She and her family moved to Cedar Key eight months ago. Most recently Ms. George worked for the Cedar Key Beacon, and before that for twelve years in a Georgia school board office with financial and payroll duties.

Teresa George, new Building Technician/Code Enforcement Officer.

As Building Technician, Ms.George will facilitate issuance of building permits by Building Inspector Walter Brown. She will also serve as liaison between the Building Inspector's office and the Historic and Architecture Review Board. This coming summer she expects to take training to become certified by the State of Florida as a Building Technician.

Serving as Code Enforcement Officer, Ms. George plans to publish a series of articles clarifying the need for a permit for various actions such as removal of trees, etc.

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