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Festival Food Booths Under Control

Festival Food Booths Under Control

Jim Hoy

Lions Club President Judy Duvall addressed the City Commission regarding food vendors in City Park.

The Cedar Key Lions Club Board of Directors, at the February 8 Commission meeting, formally requested clarification of who is in charge of food vendors in City Park during festivals. After a circuitous discussion, it became clear that whoever holds the permit for park use will make the rules and the Police Department will provide enforcement. Furthermore, Commissioner Sue Colson's recommendation of a meeting of interested parties will address vendor selection problems.

Lions Club President Judy Duvall read a letter from the Lions Club Board Board of Directors to the City. The letter indicated concern about who has the authority to choose rood vendors during festivals. The" volunteer" nature of the Lions Club's supervision is the issue. The letter also asked for separation of responsibility between food vending and "the accompanying arts and crafts fair."

Mayor/Commissioner Paul Oliver and Commissioner Pat O'Neal agreed that they want to keep the City out of the festival business. Commissioner Colson suggested a roundtable discussion by interested parties regarding vendor access. She mentioned that raw oysters were being sold just outside the park at the last festival as one of the associated problems.

Some degree of resolution came when City Attorney David Coffey said that whoever holds the permit for use of the park can set the rules.

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