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Proposed Merger of Water District with the City

Proposed Merger of Water District with the City

Jim Hoy

Jeff Dwyer reading a memorandum to the City Commission.

A trial balloon arose at the March 6 City Commission meeting bearing a proposed merger of the Cedar Key Water and Sewer District with the City of Cedar Key. Jeff Dwyer presented a memorandum that asks for a feasibility study of the merger, based in part on a recommendation that emerged during revision of the City's Comprehensive Plan and Community Redevelopment Agency planning.

Dwyer said that the Water District's manager, Jack Hotaling, asked him to raise the issue with the City Commission prior to Dwyer's presentation before the coming Water District Board of Directors meeting. Such a merger feasibility study would identify cost savings and other advantages and disadvantages of a merger. When asked the cost of a study by a Commission member, Dwyer said that he had no idea. (See the Dwyer memorandum posted elsewhere on the Cedar Key News website.

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