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Noise Ordinance Revised

Noise Ordinance Revised

Jim Hoy

In response to citizen complaints, the City Commission unanimously approved changes in the City's noise ordinance. Particularly, methods of measuring sound levels have been clarified. Furthermore, police officers will no onger need a citizens complaint to initiate enforcement of the ordinance.

Commissioner Pat O'Neal, who has oversight of the Police Department, said that from 10:00 PM until 7:00 AM sound levels must be no more than 65 decibels at the property line of the source of the sound. He added that the Police Department has two devices for measuring sound levels and a device for calibrating the sound meters. The discussion did not make clear how close sound meters can be to the sound source when the sound is generated on public property or on the adjacent water. Noise violations may now be pursued within thirty days without warning rather than the previous ninety day limit.

In another safety/police matter, Police Chief Bubba Castell addressed the Commission regarding a series of three collisions on Dock Street over a period of two weeks. He strongly advocated making Dock Street one-way traffic. Chief Castell attributed the collisions to congestion caused by double-parked delivery trucks and the narrowing of the street by the installation of wider sidewalks.

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