


News: Davis to Continue As Administrator
August 20th, 2008

News: CRA Director Gorman Fired, Greg Lang Interim Director
August 12th, 2008

News: Fire-Rescue Boat Approved by CRA
August 7th, 2008

News: The Big Dock Is Finished!
August 7th, 2008

News: Visitors Win Cedar Key News Contest
August 7th, 2008

News: Police Chief Search Progresses
August 4th, 2008

News: Management Change at Cedar Key Scrub
July 31st, 2008

News: Upper Limit Set on City Budget for 2008-2009
July 28th, 2008

News: Paving Plans Progress
July 16th, 2008

News: Big Dock (Unofficially) Opens
July 5th, 2008

News: Clams! Clams! Clams!
July 5th, 2008

News: CLAMERICA: Clamania Events
July 1st, 2008

News: CFCC to Expand in Levy County
June 28th, 2008

News: The Big, Big Dock
June 28th, 2008

News: Aquaculture Assn. Plans Meeting, Barbecue and Candidates` Forum
June 13th, 2008


Major Tax Rally in Tallahassee Tuesday

Major Tax Rally in Tallahassee Tuesday


By Bill Phillips,
Fair Government for Levy County

There will be buses from all over the state heading to Tallahassee on Tuesday, April 17 for a major Tax Rally at the Capitol. If you want to be involved in this, please contact me ASAP. I am trying to arrange for a bus to stop in Otter Creek and/or Chiefland; otherwise, we could car pool.

There will be no tax reforms...I don`t know about you all, but Alice and I cannot live with another year of excessive and obscene taxes like we`ve had over the past few years. How do you spell taxed to death?

A - Another
U - Unsuspecting
C - Citizen
T - Taxed
I - Into
O - Oblivion
N - Next could be you!

Levy County Tax Rebels

"A Government big enough to supply you with everything you need is a government big enough to take away everything that you have..." Thomas Jefferson

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Cedar Key News