


News: Campaign Sign Vandalism Investigated
October 29th, 2008

News: Cedar Key Building Inspector Change
October 23rd, 2008

News: Chief Sandlin Before City Commission
October 23rd, 2008

News: Polling Place: Local Autonomy vs. County Control
October 16th, 2008

News: Cedar Key Pier Officially Open
October 7th, 2008

News: Utility Tax to be Dropped
October 2nd, 2008

News: Cemetery Point Park to be Accessible
September 21st, 2008

News: Commission Moves Forward on Improvements to City Marina
September 20th, 2008

News: Police Chief Selection Near
September 12th, 2008

News: Local Activists Register New Voters
September 2nd, 2008

News: Police Budget Further Refined
August 27th, 2008

News: Dockside Motel Has New Owners
August 26th, 2008

News: Cedar Key PD Budget Firms Up
August 24th, 2008

News: Police Chief Applicants Winnowed to Six
August 21st, 2008

News: Lang Named Interim CRA Director
August 20th, 2008


Sinking Dock Street

Sinking Dock Street

Jim Hoy

Gravel temporarily fills a spot on the south side of Dock Street.

Once again the paving bricks at the corner of Dock Street and C Street have subsided after a rain storm. A reoccurring problem, the subsidence appears to be related to rainwater percolating through the paving bricks and subsequently washing out fill dirt under Dock Street. Following rain storms much greater the most recent rain shower, additional subsidence spots have occurred along the south side of Dock Street under large parked cars.

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