


News: Campaign Sign Vandalism Investigated
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News: Police Chief Applicants Winnowed to Six
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News: Lang Named Interim CRA Director
August 20th, 2008


CRA to Fund Art Teacher

CRA to Fund Art Teacher

Jim Hoy

Cedar Key's Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) will fund an art teacher for Cedar Key Schools starting in the fall of 2007 for the coming three school years. According to Principal Sue Ice, there will be art classes for high schoolers, a "wheel" rotation for middle-schoolers and weekly art session for grade school children.

Heath Davis addressing the CRA Board.

Former Commissioner Heath Davis spoke to the CRA board June 27, advocating the three year contract with the Levy County school district whereby approximately $163,000 will be given to support the art teacher. Jolie Davis and Janet Cook also spoke in favor of the proposal. On a motion by Commissioner Gene Hodges, seconded by Commissioner Sue Colson, the proposal was approved unanimously. City Attorney David Coffey remarked that the funds can be justified and included under a proposed bond issue based on the art colony characteristic of the community. The final terms of the contract between the City and the School Board are expected to be worked out next week. The contract will cover both salary and benefits for the teacher whose name has not been formally announced.

City Attorney David Coffey presenting tax revenue projections to the CRA Board.

City Attorney Coffey spoke to the CRA board, giving a detailed analysis of how the recently passed tax reform legislation and the January tax reform referendum (Constitutional Amendment) may result in reduction of CRA revenue. The amount of revenue will determine the City's ability to float a $9,200,000 bond issue in 2008. Mr. Coffey said that because many Cedar Key property owners are not shielded by the homeowners tax exemption, CRA revenues may not be reduced as much as some people had expected. However, he added that Francis Akins, the Levy County Property Appraiser, claims that assessments may go down this year. Commissioner Hodges warned that regardless of the legislation, the Department of Finance writes the regulations that ultimately determine the actual tax payment. Commissioner Vanessa Edmunds remarked that in six years the total assessed value of Cedar Key properties has gone from $75 million to $275 million.

In other CRA business, the board approved a $46,032 contract with Greg Lang to build a fence between the Cedar Key Cemetery and the newly developed Cemetery Point Park.
It also authorized a ninety day extension of payment to James Meade following purchase of Meade property now designated as a conservation zone. The disposition of a septic tank located on the former Meade property continues to be unresolved, but may be decided at the July 17 Commission meeting.

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