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CRA Pursues Second Street Property

CRA Pursues Second Street Property

Jim Hoy

Six of seventeen plams transplanted to the Marina Area.

Cedar Key's Community Redevelopment Agency is negotiating for purchase of a small house on a 50 x100 foot Second Street lot. The owners have reduced the asking price from $450,000 to $330,000 following an offer of $300,000 by the City. The Levy County Property appraisal is $226,500 versus another appraisal of $246,000. The property is adjacent to the City Library.

Much of the discussion of the purchase stemmed from the uncertainty of a pending CRA $9,200,000 bond issue. Commissioner Gene Hodges suggested waiting for approval of the bond issue. CRA Director Jackie Gorman described the property as an investment, whereas Commissioner Sue Colson proposed the site for expansion of City Hall. Following several objections from the audience, Commissioner Pat O'Neal asked if the City could take an option to buy, an idea approved of by Commissioner Vanessa Edmunds. City Attorney David Coffey, who is conducting the negotiation with the Creswell family owners, noted that the sale could be contingent on bond issue approval. On a motion by Commissioner Colson the CRA voted unanimously to continue negotiations.

One possible problem with the purchase could be preservation because of historic value. However, Director Gorman said that the house may be in more than fifty percent disrepair and therefore eligible for destruction.

In other CRA business, the final approval was given to the Anchor Hole parking lot. Also, Mac McCain was given permission to claim an unused septic tank on City property, provided he fills in the hole. Furthermore, Commissioner Colson noted the transplantation of seventeen palm trees from Cedar Key Village land to the Marina, at no cost to the City.

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