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Meet Father Georges

Meet Father Georges

Jim Hoy

Cedar Key's Christ Episcopal Church received a new leader in August. Father Georges Jallouf brings a cosmopolitan background, both theologically and culturally. Father George (the "s" is silent) was born in Syria, a former French colony, hence the spelling of his first name. Although Arabic is his first language, he says Italian is his second language, having spent many years in Italy. French, Spanish and English round out his language skills. He was ordained a Roman Catholic priest in 1992, but became an Episcopalian and graduated from the School of Theology of The University of the South in 2007.

Father Georges Jallouf in his church.

Having lived and studied in Egypt, Israel and Syria, Father George has seen Christian, Jewish and Muslim cultures in various mixes. When asked about his most striking impression of Cedar Key, he expressed his love of small town life. Quite a contrast with Rome, Naples and Cairo.

Father George answered the stock questions regarding his favorite Book of the Bible and Apostle, naming John in both cases. When asked the primary function of his church, he combined serving the Eucharist with study. That study includes, he said, the Bible in one hand and a newspaper in the other. That answer had special appeal to a journalist.

Father George clearing his desk in preparation for an interview.

The interview became very wide ranging. Such discussion appears to be open to anyone who will take the opportunity to visit Father George.

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