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Big Dock Reconstruction Begins / Updated Nov. 14

Big Dock Reconstruction Begins / Updated Nov. 14

Jim Hoy

The barge that will be used during the reconstructionof the Cedar Key dock.

The dramatic arrival of two tug boats and an eighty-five foot barge at the Cedar Key "Big Dock" on November 12 announced the start of rebuilding the storm-damaged dock. According to Levy County Coordinator Fred Moody, a contract for the construction project was to be signed November 13. After years and months of delay, a commitment by Levy County to provide $643,000 in supplementary funds in addition to $3.1 million in Federal Emergency Management Agency funds got the project underway. Mr. Moody told Cedar Key News that there is a possibility that FEMA will reimburse the County with cost over-run funds at the end of the project.

Update: On November 14 Lucas Marine Construction hosted an informational meeting regarding the reconstruction of the Cedar Key "Big Dock." Actual construction will begin on November 19, with a contract to finish work within 240 days. If that dadline is met the new dock will be finished before onset of the 2008 hurricane season.

Frank Subjinski, a Lucas Marine Vice President, said that the dock will have a concrete pre-stressed deck with a concrete overlay. There will be a thirty foot long aluminum ramp from Dock Street to the higher level dock. The ramp will be removable prior to a storm. Shafts for the concrete pilings will be drilled, an alternative to use of a pile driver.

The contract is for $3,596,357.

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