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Comp Plan Approval Delayed

Comp Plan Approval Delayed

Jim Hoy

Land development issues were the focus of the December 4 meeting of the Cedar Key Commission. The long-range plan of the City, the Comprehensive Plan, includes possible expansion of the Historic Zone. Commissioner Gene Hodges said that many people are opposed to the expansion. He advocated removal of expansion from the Comp Plan before going forward with submission to higher authorities. Many people that have expressed opposition earlier were in the audience. Mayor/Commissioner Paul Oliver noted the problem at the beginning of the meeting and said that there had not been adequate advertisement to the evening's agenda. He suggested a January workshop with the Local Planning Agency and the Commission where everyone could air opinions.

One issue beyond the Historic District expansion is the merging of the Comp Plan's Costal Management chapter with the Conservation chapter. Bob Treat spoke up saying that although he had attended many meetings of the Local Planning Agency (LPA), he cannot follow the changes that result from merging the two chapters of the Comp Plan. Ken McCain suggested that perhaps the LPA members should be elected, because under the current system he can only direct his concern to the elected officials, namely the Commissioners. Greg Lang, Chair of the LPA, pointed out the great need for the proposed January workshop where the many misunderstanding about the Historic District expansion can be corrected.

The meeting agenda was reduced by withdrawing a hearing on a replat request and discussion of setback requirements at the Sunset Isle R-V park, and dropping transmission of the Comp Plan to the State.

Jeanne Morgan during her appeal to the Commission for help.

Jeanne Morgan, who operates the horse drawn carriage tour of Cedar Key, appealed to the Commission for guidance on where she can legally park her rig. She was ticketed for parking on Dock Street. Commissioner Pat O'Neal offered to work out a parking place that is acceptable to the Chief of Police and the Fire Chief. Stanley Bair asked why the police don't give warnings rather that immediately writing a ticket. She added that business owners on Dock Street with complaints should try to deal with problems without bringing in the police.

Another Dock Street problem prompted Commissioner O'Neal to propose making Dock Street one-way to accommodate heavy equipment traffic during construction activity. An alternative suggestion, based on earlier commitments by Lucas Marine Construction is to have a flagger on hand to direct traffic. Stay tuned for resolution of the problem.

Under Clerk's Administrative Issues: Commissioner Hodges nominated Heath Davis as a replacement for David Watson on the LPA. Watson has requested a replacement for the past year. Without further discussion the Commission voted unanimously to appoint Davis.

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