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Public Speaking for Youths

Public Speaking for Youths

Jim Hoy

Green's Gainesville Gavel Club demonstrated its skills at the Cedar Key Library February 18 as a part of an effort establishing a local chapter. Gavel Clubs are the young people's version of Toastmaster Clubs. The purpose of both organizations is to develop public speaking ability.

The Gainesville club demonstrated a prepared speech, twelve impromptu speeches and how a business meeting should be conducted. Jim Green, who lives in Cedar Key, is the driving force behind the Gainesville club. As a long-time member of a Toastmasters group, Green sees the value of early training in public speaking.

With Green's help, a Gavel Club chapter has been formed in Cedar Key and will receive a charter soon. The Cedar Key Gavel Club meets at the City Library every two weeks. Caely Hibbits is the newly elected President of the group. About ten local school age children will be participating according to Mr. Green. They will learn how to prepare and deliver a speech as well as how to respond to an immediate request to speak on a subject at a moment's notice.

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