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LPA Asks to be Dissolved

LPA Asks to be Dissolved

Jim Hoy

Greg Lang and Heath Davis

The Local Planning Agency (LPA), an advisory group to the City Commission, formally asked to be dissolved at the March 4 city commission meeting.

Newly appointed LPA member Heath Davis, speaking for the LPA, requested dissolution of the LPA. Davis responded to Commissioner Gene Hodges' suggestion of that action raised during the "Clerk's Administrative Issues" agenda item.

Davis said that the procedure of referral of issues before the Commission to the LPA, which makes recommendations to the Commission can take four months because of advertising requirements. He added that LPA Chair Greg Lang is always available to the Commission for advice. At the last LPA meeting, all members agreed that they would like to have their group dissolved.

To avoid having the Commission request a formal recommendation from the LPA, the Commission asked City Attorney David Coffey to draft an ordinance that would abolish the LPA for first reading.

Also, under Clerk's Administrative Issues, Commissioner Sue Colson expressed dismay that a City employee had accused her and two other officials of violation of the Sunshine Law.

Mayor/Commissioner Paul Oliver responded at some length saying that he had discussed the matter with the employee and appeared to consider the matter closed.

CRA Director Jackie Gorman came forward to deny making an accusation. The problem appears to have come from an informal discussion March 3.

That discussion occurred after a contentious workshop on use of Community Redevelopment Agency budget. Commissioner Vanessa Edmunds ended the discussion of Colson's concern with instructions to Jackie Gorman to take any Sunshine Law violations to the proper authority.

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