


News: Davis to Continue As Administrator
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News: CRA Director Gorman Fired, Greg Lang Interim Director
August 12th, 2008

News: Fire-Rescue Boat Approved by CRA
August 7th, 2008

News: The Big Dock Is Finished!
August 7th, 2008

News: Visitors Win Cedar Key News Contest
August 7th, 2008

News: Police Chief Search Progresses
August 4th, 2008

News: Management Change at Cedar Key Scrub
July 31st, 2008

News: Upper Limit Set on City Budget for 2008-2009
July 28th, 2008

News: Paving Plans Progress
July 16th, 2008

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July 5th, 2008

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News: CLAMERICA: Clamania Events
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News: CFCC to Expand in Levy County
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News: The Big, Big Dock
June 28th, 2008

News: Aquaculture Assn. Plans Meeting, Barbecue and Candidates` Forum
June 13th, 2008


Big Dock Construction Progress

Big Dock Construction Progress

Jim Hoy

Cedar Key, March 13,2008

Concrete pilings continue to march out as construction of the Big Dock goes on. Precast decking slabs have been brought in on a barge in preparation for installation on the pilings that are already in place.

Three ranks of pilings are ready for decking installation. Note the decking slabs on the barge in the background.

Editor`s Note: To enter the contest to pick the completion date of the Big Dock please look for a contest application form in the print editions of Cedar Key News.

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