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by CKN Staff Reporter

The Cedar Key City Commission met at 6PM on Tuesday, June 18, 2013, at City Hall for approximately an hour and a half.

Resident George Oakley raised his concern that the two large oleander trees at the north end of the City Marina`s parking lot are rumored to be cut down soon. Police Chief and Interim Public Works Director Virgil Sandlin assured Oakley and those gathered that the Marina construction plans have been amended and the two oleander trees will remain.

Pirate Invasion:
Additional public comment came from residents Kellie Parkin and Pirate Bobby McCabe, dressed in colorful pirate garb and complete with his lady pirate in the audience, invited the commissioners and the audience to take part in the September 13 - 15, 2013, Cedar Key Pirates in Paradise Pirate (CKPP) Invasion. The Invasion is purposeful: to raise money for two Cedar Key student scholarships, one for college, the other for post-graduate vocational studies; and to boost Cedar Key`s economy in the traditionally quiet fall month of September. As part of the Invasion activities, Parkin and McCabe asked that one or several commissioners agree to be captured in a pirate coup and ultimately ransomed at City Hall. The event, they predict, will be attended by many different Pirate groups around the region, state, and beyond and prove to be economically profitable for the area. CKPP is an amorphous group of local individuals whose mission is to do good for those in need; among the many projects for which they have raised funds are the Cedar Key Food Pantry and JennyFest.

Commissioners unanimously directed City Clerk Frances Hodges to secure a bank loan to be used, only if necessary, to process payments for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Boat Ramp Grant.

City Attorney Norm Fugate affirmed the fact that aquaculture building permitting must adhere to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) guidelines.

Commissioners unanimously agreed that whenever and wherever the subject of the three percent tax on garbage collection, mentioned in the newly proposed county landfill ordinance, arises, the attorney and commissioners will articulate the city`s unanimous stance of not supporting the tax.

The City Clerk`s Office reported that the transition to QuickBooks should be completed by October 2013.

Police Chief Sandlin, reporting for absent Fire Chief Robert Robinson, that approximately $7,500 has been raised for the Fourth of July Celebration and that the Celebration would, indeed, take place. The fundraising goal remains $10,000 to $12,000; such a sum would provide a better show, Sandlin reported. The fireworks will be set off from Cemetery Point Park.

Water in Public Use Area:
In a memorandum to the commissioners, the Cedar Key Water and Sewer District explained that, because the District currently lacks the equipment to prove to the Departmental of Environmental Protection (DEP) that its water meets the strict water quality standards to use reclaimed water on public use areas, that the District can no longer use reclaimed water to irrigate City Park and Marina. The District will install a new testing device, get real-time water quality readings, again attempt to work with the DEP, and, hopefully, gain approval to return to using reclaimed water for irrigation of public use areas. In the meanwhile, the city will purchase potable water from the District at a rate of $176 per month, the lowest per gallon rate available to irrigate the City Park and Marina landscaping.

Marina Leases:
John Eignor`s and Daniel Smith`s Marina lease requests were tabled. Commissioners requested additional paperwork and or plans from both Eignor and Smith at previous meetings. Eignor and Smith were absent.

Joey Slaughter`s and Tom Liebert`s Marina leases were extended. Though they legally have year-long extensions, both agreed to work with the city because of current ramp construction complexities. The commissioners expressed their desire and intent to work closely with Slaughter and Liebert.

Cameras in City Park:
Police Chief Virgil Sandlin reported that vandalism and "roughhousing" in the park, specifically in the pavilion, has been a problem for some five years and costs the city money. Commissioners unanimously approved Sandlin`s "movement forward" in gathering another estimate, in addition the one in hand from ADT. Among other things, the ADT estimate includes three cameras, the necessary cable and fiber, and the ability to monitor the park from police cars.

Existing Marina Boat Ramp:
After some discussion, four commissioners voted to demolish the old outside Marina boat ramp after the new ramps are completed citing it as a possible attractive nuisance and danger; Commissioner Dale Register voted against the motion. The cost would be approximately $19,000 and would be contracted to Cabot.

Rural Business Enterprise Grant (RBEG):
The commissioners unanimously approved applying for the "not-to-exceed" $279,727 RBEG grant which, if received, will provide restroom facilities and new designs and remodeling for the five boat rental docks in the marina area. Commissioner Sue Colson, referring to it as the "bathroom grant," remarked that this grant requires no money from the city, that it is a rare "no-match," fast moving (twelve month from start to finish) grant. Mittauer Vice-President Greg Lang assured the commission that, as contract engineer and construction administrator, Mittauer personnel would assuredly assist city personnel in managing the necessary paperwork.

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Cedar Key News