


City Documents: Agenda Redevlopment Meeting August 17, 2004
August 13th, 2004

City Documents: Gulf Trail Meeting Scheduled for August 9, 2004
August 7th, 2004

City Documents: Cedar Key Commission Minutes August 3, 2004
August 7th, 2004

City Documents: Cedar Key Planning Board Minutes of July 22, 2004
July 28th, 2004

City Documents: City Commission Agenda for August 3, 2004
July 28th, 2004

City Documents: Community Special Needs List Update in Progress
July 27th, 2004

City Documents: Date Change for Gulf Trail Advisory Meeting
July 23rd, 2004

City Documents: Commission Meeting Agenda for July 20, 2004
July 15th, 2004

City Documents: C.R.A. Meeting Agenda for July 20, 2004
July 15th, 2004

City Documents: LPA Meeting
July 14th, 2004

City Documents: Dock Street Closure
July 8th, 2004

City Documents: Commencement of Marina Basin Dredge
July 8th, 2004

City Documents: Marina Dredging to Begin
July 2nd, 2004

City Documents: City Commission Agenda for July 6, 2004
July 2nd, 2004

City Documents: Dock Street Closure Notice
June 25th, 2004


City Sets Workshop Session on Fire Assessment Fee Process

City Sets Workshop Session on Fire Assessment Fee Process

City Documents

The Cedar Key City Commission will be meeting in a workshop session to discuss the Fire Assessment Fee process and options for funding fire and emergency services.

Government Services Group, a consulting company that provides a number of administration and utility operations services to governments has agreed to send Senior Vice President Camille Tharpe to meet with the Commission and public in a no cost, non-binding workshop.

The workshop will be held on Tuesday, January 11 at 6:00 p.m. at Cedar Key City Hall.

This is a public meeting and the public is encouraged to attend and participate.

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