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Editorial: "Eight is Enough" May Be Too Much June 20th, 2002
Editorial: Cedar Key Plantation: Albatross or Opportunity June 16th, 2002
Editorial: Hello Cedar Key Plantation, Goodbye Clam Beds June 14th, 2002
Editorial: All`s Quiet on the Water Front June 8th, 2002
Editorial: A Cop in Trouble June 6th, 2002
Editorial: Community Redevelopment Wish Lists June 3rd, 2002
Editorial: Heath Davis and the Power of Politics May 19th, 2002
Editorial: Do We Need Another Hero? May 16th, 2002
Editorial: Support Groups May 8th, 2002
Editorial: Clarification of Speak Out May 7th, 2002
Editorial: Introducing Our Editor April 22nd, 2002
Speak Out | Speak OutEditorial
[Editor`s Note: We are rerunning this editorial, written by our first Editor, to remind the contributors to Speak Out, and our readers, of the limits and purpose of Speak Out.] The "Speak Our" section of our newspaper is anonymous (If you wish). It is a forum where anyone can place messages or reply to them. Cedar Key News does not modify any message placed on the Speak Out, except that the server automatically bleeps certain words considered to be in poor taste. Cedar Key News has no idea who places the messages on Speak Out, nor do we care. We cannot trace the messages back to individual computers and would not do so, even if we could. In a society where the expression of certain ideas is believed to be dangerous, people need a way to express themselves without fear of reprisals. We believe that this forum provides for a free and uninhibited exchange of ideas. Someone asked the head of the BBC if he was worried that his programming might anger certain people. He replied that there were certain people that he wished to anger. If you don`t like the Speak Out, then don`t read it. I guarantee that the Speak Out will never reach out and drag you into it. |