


Features: Levy Conty History
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Features: Levy County History
August 19th, 2002

Features: Levy County History
August 10th, 2002

Features: Levy County History
August 6th, 2002

Features: Jack Gargan Interview
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Features: Levy County History
July 27th, 2002

Features: Incredible Journey
July 26th, 2002

Features: Zen Moment
July 25th, 2002

Features: Levy County History
July 23rd, 2002


Methodists Celebrate Opening of Expanded Fellowship Hall--Dr. Zimmerman to Preach

Methodists Celebrate Opening of Expanded Fellowship Hall--Dr. Zimmerman to Preach

James Campbell, M.Div

June 23 Cedar Key United Methodists will celebrate the completion of the Fellowship Hall expansion with a service of worship at 11 o'clock followed by a "dinner-on-the-ground," covered dish meal. Dr. Gene Zimmerman will be the guest preacher.

Dr. Zimmerman has just retired (again) as Senior Pastor of the First United Methodist Church of Jacksonville. He is a past District Superintendent of the St. Petersburg District and has served as pastor to the greatest church in Florida and The Bahamas. He is author of several books including "Why The Mullet Jump" filled with humor and his own personal experiences.

Dr. Zimmerman filled in in Cedar Key as pastor for a little while many years ago when he was a student at UF, and he was for a time pastor of the Ellsey United Methodist Church. After he completed his seminary education, he was pastor of the First United Methodist Church of Chiefland. Emilie Ann, his wife, is a delegate to the General Conference of the United Methodist Church.

Although the Zimmerman's live in Jacksonville, they have a home in Cedar Key where they come for rest and fishing.

Friends of Gene and Emilie Ann are invited to join in the celebration.

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