


Features: Levy County History
June 24th, 2004

Features: Copy Editing the Bible
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Features: Levy County History
June 17th, 2004

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June 10th, 2004

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May 13th, 2004


Christ is Risen!

Christ is Risen!

David Binkley, Sr. (Cedar Key Church of Christ)

Easter occurs on the calendar this year at the same time in the East and the West. One of the many surprises I had while living in Russia was to hear and see how people greeted each other on Easter. When you meet someone for the first time that day, you want to be the first to say: "Christos voskresh" (Christ is risen) It was almost like a little family game to see who could say "Christmas gift" first. People who do this are sometimes those considered intellectually atheists, and those who consider themselves faithful believers. This beautiful Easter greeting, whether done in faith or in tradition, makes a great statement about something that happened long ago.

In Cedar Key, there is a tradition each year for many people to gather on the beach at the City Park at 7:00 for an Easter Sunrise Service. We invite you to attend the service again this year as many people will face whatever weather God blesses us with and sing, pray, read scripture, and hear a homily from God's word about the resurrection. Representatives from the Baptist Church, Church of Christ, Episcopal, and Methodist churches will conduct the service.

We hope and pray that this will not be the only time this year that people stop and consider the importance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The fact that Christ overcame the power of death gives all of us hope for eternal life after our spirit has left this body. We can have this certain hope when we learn to put our faith, hope and trust in God and accept His Son as our Savior and Lord.

There are as many skeptics regarding the resurrection of Christ as there are about His virgin birth, and endless life in Heaven. Just because some intelligentsia do not accept the facts contained in the Gospels does not mean they are false. We know there are some people today who do not believe that any human being has ever stepped foot on the Moon. Well, their skepticism does not alter the evidence. There is credible evidence for the birth, life, sacrificial death and resurrection of Christ. When you read the Bible for yourself and thoughtfully consider how God has preserved this wonderful book for your own eyes and ears, you will begin to discover why the story of Christ has such a powerful impact upon the world.

In the book of Acts, the second chapter we see that the apostle Peter was chosen to speak to a large gathering of Jewish people who were in Jerusalem for the Feast of Pentecost. The time was shortly after Jesus had been put to death on the cross, buried and rose from the dead. Many of the people in Peter's audience were present for the trials of Jesus, and had watched as their Messiah was crucified. Peter reasoned with them by referring them to Psalm 16 that speaks about Messiah rising from the grave. (Acts 2:24-28)

Jesus predicted his death and resurrection several times. "On the third day, he will be raised to life!" (Matthew 20:19b) Look at these passages where he made these predictions: Matthew 20:17-19, Mark 10:32-34, Luke 18:31-33. The apostle Paul was a Jewish Rabbi who participated in the persecution of Christians before he himself became an obedient servant of our Lord. His life and writings have done much to convince people to believe that Jesus of Nazareth is indeed Christ the Lord – the Son of God. He once said; "And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith." (1 Corinthians 15:14 NIV)

Jesus revealed himself to many different witnesses after his resurrection. The New Testament contains over ten different accounts of how Christ appeared to people after he was raised from the dead. This was in the time before he was carried up into Heaven. Here are a few references you can look up, and if you need more, I will gladly send them to you. In John chapter 20, we read how Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene; to his disciples; and to Thomas. He appeared to two men walking down the road to Emmaus. (Luke 24)

The Father, and his own power, and the power of the Holy Spirit raised Jesus from the dead. His resurrection announced to the world that Jesus lives forever and reigns in Heaven. His resurrection authenticated all the claims that made by the ancient prophets, and by Christ himself. We have assurance that we will live forever when we believe in the truth of the Gospel of Christ.

You are invited to attend the services of the Church of Christ at the corner of 3rd and E Streets. Write me with any questions or comments David Binkley, Sr., P.O. Box 186, Cedar Key, FL 32625 or E-mail at You may also request to receive the daily WORD OF THE DAY by e-mail. Check out our web site at

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