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Levy County History

Levy County History

Toni Collins

142 years ago

01 August 1861 - The Confederate States customs collector at St. Marks removed the lens and all the supplies from the Cedar Keys Light Station on Seahorse Key. The Florida Railroad had commandeered the station`s sperm oil to keep it out of the hands of Union raiders. Lighthouse Keeper William M. Fields stayed on as a caretaker until blockaders took control of the area. A force of Florida troops armed with three cannon was stationed on the island to protect blockade runners using the anchorage. In January 1862, the U.S.S. Hatteras, a Union vessel, took possession of Seahorse and Depot (Atsena Otie) Keys and remained until several months after the end of the Civil War. When the light was re-exhibited on 23 August 1866, N.J. Collier was appointed the Light Keeper.

101 years ago

14 December 1903 - Herbert A. Williams made application to the United States Postal Service to establish a post office at Wylly. Williams was granted permission and the post office was in operation until 14 December 1904, when it
was discontinued and mail was distributed out of Rosewood, five miles to the west.

39 years ago

16 February 1965 - Mr. Warren Torley, editor of the Suwannee Valley News published in Williston, requested that his paper be given the delinquent tax list for 1964. After much discussion regarding the legal publications in the County, and upon motion by Levy County Commissioner David W. Meeks and seconded by Commissioner Wardell R. Fugate, the following newspapers were designated with the years which they would publish the delinquent tax roll, after having drawn the names from a hat:

The Levy County Journal in 1965
The Citizen in 1966
The Suwannee Valley News in 1967

Upon motion by Commissioner Meeks and seconded by Fugate, the Suwannee Valley News was designated the legal paper for County Publications.

From the Archives & History Center

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