142 years ago 08 March 1860 - The Democratic Party of Levy County, are respectfully invited to meet at Levyville on Thursday, the 8th of March next, for the purpose of sending delegates to the State Convention, to be held in Madison on the 9th of April to select delegates to the Charleston Convention. Come one and all, as there are matters of importance to be discussed. 106 years ago 04 August 1896 - The Levy County Board of County Commissioners was presented with a petition from several citizens asking the Board to rebuild the footbridge across the Wacasassa on the Bronson and Judson road. Commissioner E. Walker moved to have the bridge rebuilt but his motion was lost for want of a second. 91 years ago 22 August 1910 - Mr. J.M. Willis of Williston, registered his motor vehicle with the Office of the Secretary of State, Tallahassee. The vehicle was a Buick No. 10 of 18-horsepower, vehicle identification number 15142 and received state registration number 1970. The first vehicle registered in Florida belonged to R.E. Brand of Jenson. Brand registered his 3.5 horsepower vehicle on 01 August 1905 and received registration number 1. From the public records of Levy County, Danny J. Shipp, Clerk of Court |