


Features: Levy County History
June 24th, 2004

Features: Copy Editing the Bible
June 24th, 2004

Features: Who Establishes Religion?
June 18th, 2004

Features: Cedar Key`s Historical Link to the Transit of Venus
June 17th, 2004

Features: Levy County History
June 17th, 2004

Features: Levy County History
June 10th, 2004

Features: Ronald Reagan
June 10th, 2004

Features: Commissioner Edmunds on Cedar Key`s Future
June 4th, 2004

Features: Gated Communities
June 3rd, 2004

Features: Genealogy Society Compiles Pictorial History of Levy County People, Places and Events
May 28th, 2004

Features: Levy County History
May 27th, 2004

Features: Memorial Day
May 27th, 2004

Features: Levy County History
May 20th, 2004

Features: New Challenges for Graduates
May 19th, 2004

Features: Levy County History
May 13th, 2004


Levy County History

Levy County History

Levy County Archives

52 years ago
From the Board Minutes 1953

At this time, the Chairman announced the Board would consider the bids received by it for the photo-recording equipment which had been previously advertised in
accordance with law. Thereupon, the Clerk read the following bid:

189 Washington S., S.E.
Atlanta, Ga.
Dec. 28, 1953


Thank you for the opportunity to bid on photo-recording equipment as advertised in your county paper. We will be pleased to furnish you the following items:

RECTIGRAPH DAYLIGHT DUPLEX, STANDARD RECORDER, electrically operated, with automatic shutter timer, front and side opening copy-holder, maximum print size 14" x 18", with facilities to reduce original copy 4 times or enlarge up to 4 times within one operation, with internal developing and fixing features, $3,270.00 Green Tube Photo Lites 265.00
Hercules Punching Machine with 5 #1488 Dies 127.70 Bates Style "G" Six-wheel Numbering Machine 30.00 24" Trim Board 38.00 Single Cell (Stainless) Wash Tank 150.00

Machine installed by factory representative without cost, except for necessary plumbing and electrical work to point of use. Operators trained with cost.

Thank you for any confidence placed in The Haloid Company and its products, I am.

Very Truly yours,

The Haloid Company
Atlanta Branch
Earle F, Davis, Manager

From the Archives & History Center
Levy County Clerk`s Office
Danny J. Shipp, Clerk of Court

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Cedar Key News