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Levy County History

Levy County History

Levy County Archives

67 years ago

Special Meeting , November 17th, 1938. The Chairman B.B. Rowland announced that the purpose of the meeting was to designate and establish a Fresh and Salt Water Fishing line on the Wacasassee River. Mr. C.E. Clark, Jr. was present representing the State Conservation Dept. and stated that it would be a fair and just line for all fishermen concerned and one with which the dept. would concur. There was a large group of citizens of the County present who were interested in both commercial and sport fishing. After much discussion of a probable location for said line, Commissioner D.D. Allen made a motion that the fresh and salt water fishing line be designated and established at the south end of Stafford`s Island and Blacksnake Creek, which motion failed for the want of a second. At this time it was not established where a line was to be on the Wacasassee River. Meeting was adjourned. Chairman B.B. Rowland, attest Clerk, Jack Meeks.

66 years ago

Special Meeting of the Board of County commissioners held on this 12th day of September 1939. Chairman B.B. Roland announced the purpose of the meeting was to receive bids pursuant to purchasing a new car for the County Agent. Harvey Motor Co. Offered to sell the Co. a new 1939 85 H.P. Ford Tudor Sedan for $320.00 or a 60 H.P. Ford Tudor Sedan for $790.00. Bailey Auto Sales of Williston offered to sell a 1939 Plymouth Tudor Sedan with trunk for $809.50 and allow the County $425.00 for the 1937 Chevrolet Tudor Sedan as a trade in allowance.

From the Archives & History Center
Levy County Clerk`s Office
Danny J. Shipp, Clerk of Court

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Cedar Key News