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Levy County History

Levy County History

Levy County Archives

84 years ago

"Resolution" offered by Commissioner McElroy and adopted by the Board of County Commissioner. Whereas it is likely that there will be an effort made at this present session of the Legislature to enact a "No Fence Law" for this state, and knowing the people of our county to be opposed to such a law, knowing also that such a law will be detrimental to the interest of the farming class of people and the stock raisers, not only in our county, but to the entire State, the class of people who feed and clothe the people of the world. Therefore be it Resolved that we the Board of County Commissioners of Levy County, State of Florida, Petition to our Honorable Senator W.J. Epperson and Honorable S.J. Gun our Representative to use all their influence against the enactment of the "No fence Law."

We further request and petition to all Senators and Representatives of other counties, who are friends of the farmers and stock raisers of the State to corporate with W.J. Epperson and S.J. Gun in defeating the No Fence Bill. If such a bill is passed it would cripple the farmers and stock raisers to such an extent that it would be detrimental to the whole State. Be it further resolved that these resolutions be made a part of our minutes and that a copy of this resolution be mailed to our Senator and Representatives in Tallahassee. No further business, adjourned. W.H. Hodges, Chairman, L.W. Drummond, Clerk.

From the Archives & History Center
Levy County Clerk`s Office
Danny J. Shipp, Clerk of Court

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Cedar Key News