


Features: Levy Conty History
September 4th, 2002

Features: Interview with Maurice Healy
September 2nd, 2002

Features: Interview with Angie Doty
August 28th, 2002

Features: Alice Monyei Candidate for Commission Seat 2
August 27th, 2002

Features: Levy County History
August 26th, 2002

Features: Nancy Bell Running for County Commision
August 21st, 2002

Features: Incredible Journey Update
August 19th, 2002

Features: Levy County History
August 19th, 2002

Features: Levy County History
August 10th, 2002

Features: Levy County History
August 6th, 2002

Features: Jack Gargan Interview
July 31st, 2002

Features: Levy County History
July 27th, 2002

Features: Incredible Journey
July 26th, 2002

Features: Zen Moment
July 25th, 2002

Features: Levy County History
July 23rd, 2002


Levy County History

Levy County History

Levy County Archives

Below are some statement forms, letterheads, and other business forms that had some interesting notes of interest. A collection of such forms are kept in the Levy County Archive Dept.

Year of 1888 in Bronson; Monthly Statement, from J.M. Jackson, M.D. & Son, Dealers in Drugs and Medicines. Keep constantly on hand a full supply of drugs, chemicals, perfumery, combs, brushes, ladies toilet articles and everything usually kept in a drug store. All goods sold strictly for cash.

Year 1898 in Bronson; Epperson & Colson, General Merchandise, Hardware & Crockery, doors, sash and blinds, saddlery and harness.

Year 1885 in Bronson; J.M. Gornto, General Merchandise, agent for New Home Sewing Machines, Country Produce bought and sold.

Year 1882, Bronson; Zewadski & Barco General Merchandise, flour, grist and bacon specialties.

Year 1887, Bronson; The Farmers' Supply Depot, Carters & Burke, Proprietors. Buyers and Shippers of Country Produce.

Year 1880, Bronson; Levy County Immigration Society. J.M. Jackson, President, Thomas Tillis 1st Vice President, J.B. Sutton 2nd Vice President.

Year 1886, Bronson; J.M. Barco Clerk Circuit Court, Levy County Florida. Costs must be paid in advance.

Year 1926, Bronson; L.L. Johns, Sheriff of Levy County; To the Sheriff; you are hereby commanded to destroy the intoxicating liquors captured or confiscated by you in the above mentioned case, to be done by pouring on the ground in the presence of the Clerk of the Circuit Court on his duly authorized Deputy.

From the Archives & History Center
Levy County Clerk's Office
Danny J. Shipp, Clerk of Court

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