


Features: Levy County History
June 24th, 2004

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June 24th, 2004

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June 18th, 2004

Features: Cedar Key`s Historical Link to the Transit of Venus
June 17th, 2004

Features: Levy County History
June 17th, 2004

Features: Levy County History
June 10th, 2004

Features: Ronald Reagan
June 10th, 2004

Features: Commissioner Edmunds on Cedar Key`s Future
June 4th, 2004

Features: Gated Communities
June 3rd, 2004

Features: Genealogy Society Compiles Pictorial History of Levy County People, Places and Events
May 28th, 2004

Features: Levy County History
May 27th, 2004

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May 27th, 2004

Features: Levy County History
May 20th, 2004

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May 19th, 2004

Features: Levy County History
May 13th, 2004


Levy County History

Levy County History

Toni Collins

170 years ago

19 June 1832 - A treaty was conducted by Colonel Gadsden with the
Seminole Indians at Payne‚s Landing on May 09 for the relinquishment of
their lands in Florida and removal west of the Mississippi River.

119 years ago

23 February 1883 - On this date the The Levy Enterprise newspaper ran
the following advertisement: BARGAINS IN LANDS!!! For sale or
Exchange for Lands in Georgia. 1200 acres of land lying on the Suwannee
River, well timbered with Red Cedar. 400 acres of this tract is very
rich and well adapted to sugar culture. 360 acres on the Wekiva, 50
acres cultivation, comfortable log house and barn on the place--also 125
orange trees, some of which will bear in one to two years--five miles
from railroad station--good neighborhood, good water, land fertile.
Also, 100 town lots in Bronson. All of the above can be bought at
bargain and on easy terms by calling on W.R. Coulter, Bronson, Fla.

79 years ago

29 June 1923 - A Levy County promotional advertisement described the
Town of Raleigh as follows: Situated on both the Seaboard and the
Atlantic Coast Line Railroads, three miles north of Williston. This
little town is surrounded by fine agriculture land and farmers there are
enjoying prosperity. Lumber and turpentine also adds to this town‚s
prosperity. Merchants included L.W. Wilson, general merchandise and
T.J. Cone, manufacturer and financier.

>From the official records of Levy County
Danny J. Shipp, Clerk of Court

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