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Book Review: Future Jihad

Book Review: Future Jihad

By Linda Dale

Future Jihad: Terrorist Strategies Against America

By Walid Phares
Published by Palgrave Macmillan

For anyone out to find some answers to the tumultuous goings-on by jihadists this book is the one to read. The terrorists' war on "infidels" began much longer ago than most of us realize. The book tells us that there is a "universe" of jihad out there, totally at odds with the norms of international relations and not abiding by the modern era's agreements on world policies. Their beliefs, begun in the time of the Prophet Mohammed are unending. There is no such thing as surrender and they do not fear death as the afterlife holds great promise.

To more fully understand Arabic words such as jihad, takfir, caliph, sharia, fitna and fatah, Walid Phares attempts to set it out for us in a comprehensible fashion. If you are a novice in Mid-Eastern mores then you will probably be back-tracking, or even taking notes, to be sure to get the meaning of unfamiliar words and expressions, but Phares assists by his repetitive usage and explanations of Arabic words and phrases. This could be the beginning of valuable knowledge that each and everyone of us should be making ourselves aware of. We are at war with this unseen "nation" and it is one that will be fought very differently than anything we have seen before. These aren't just suicidal madmen, behind them is a very sophisticated and cunning group who believe that nothing else is acceptable but their way.

Depressing, yes, but Phares gives hope in ways to conquer this ubiquitous threat as he highlights positive changes that are going on now in the Mid-East, not the least is the rise of educated and more modern females. You will have to read most of this book to get to the encouraging parts. Do it. How can we begin to deal with this dangerous challenge if we do not understand it?

Mr. Phares book is now in paperback.

Book reviewed by Linda Dale

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